Oregon's Leading LGBT Advocacy Group Relieved But Wary After Trump Scraps "Religious ...
Oregon's Leading LGBT Advocacy Group Relieved But Wary After Trump Scraps "Religious ...
- Basic Rights Oregon spent much of the week bracing for an executive order by President Donald Trump granting organizations broad authority to discriminate against LGBTQ people by citing religious belief. The advocacy group is breathing a sigh of relief—but only a small one—after reports on Friday that Trump had decided against issuing that order. National media outlets reported on Friday that Trump opted not to move forward with an executive order on "religious freedom," which in the eyes of civil-rights groups has become a euphemism for discrimination.
- Basic Rights Oregon spent much of the week bracing for an executive order by President Donald Trump granting organizations broad authority to discriminate against LGBTQ people by citing religious belief. The advocacy group is breathing a sigh of relief—but only a small one—after reports on Friday that Trump had decided against issuing that order. National media outlets reported on Friday that Trump opted not to move forward with an executive order on "religious freedom," which in the eyes of civil-rights groups has become a euphemism for discrimination.