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America, Business, Canada, Children, Democracy, Economic, Education, Family, Gender, Health, Income, Inequality, Inequality, Mental, Poverty, Schools, Threat, Violence, Wage

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— CA 31300 — 2015 must be the year we address wealth inequality
— CA 31234 — Growing Poverty, Unemployment and Homelessness in the World's Richest ...
— CA 31222 — 17 Things We Learned About Income Inequality in 2014
— CA 31197 — US politicians don't really care about income inequality
— CA 31195 — Ferguson, like Appalachia, suffers from social and economic inequality
— CA 31161 — Jock Finlayson: Inequality in Canada much less than in the US
— CA 31160 — One Chart Exposes the Sad State of Economic Inequality in America
— CA 31158 — As Income Inequality Rises, America's Middle Class Shrinks
— CA 31148 — Tracking Poverty in New York City
— CA 31135 — Economics Has To Come To Terms With Wealth And Income Inequality
— CA 31134 — The truth about inequality
— CA 31137 — Income inequality not a problem in Canada
— CA 31105 — The Year in Inequality: Racial disparity can no longer be ignored
— CA 31104 — Are White Gay Men Too Privileged to Understand Racial Inequality?
— CA 31095 — US child poverty rates are shameful – would raising the minimum wage help?
— CA 31106 — Canadian income inequality not as big an issue as in the US
— CA 31078 — Inequality and the American child
— CA 31061 — LGBTQ Group Protests Against Racial Profiling
— CA 31029 — Money for poor schools to tackle inequality
— CA 31027 — Extreme economic inequality hurts everyone
— CA 31009 — Study of poverty-ridden neighborhoods shows gentrification is not ruining enough of America
— CA 31014 — LGBT Americans Still Face Wide-Spread Inequality
— CA 30970 — Poverty Affects 30% Of Children In US Cities, Negatively Affecting Their Health
— CA 30966 — The Implications of America's Record-Low Fertility Rate on Poverty
— CA 30911 — Rich parents are perpetuating racial inequality
— CA 30895 — Child poverty declines, but inequality still high
— CA 30894 — More work still to be done on child poverty
— CA 30890 — Do you know what the prime cause of poverty is?
— CA 30889 — Why conservatism can best address the real problems surrounding income inequality
— CA 30875 — Meaningful solutions to child poverty urgently needed in NZ
— CA 30856 — In Mexico, inequality is all about wages
— CA 30855 — How income inequality undermines US power
— CA 30767 — Like it or not, there's a link between child poverty and marriage
— CA 30754 — Canada sees 'significant rise' in inequality – and it's getting worse
— CA 30766 — A look at poverty in America, from the inside
— CA 30765 — Reservation schools face decayed buildings, poverty
— CA 30730 — Hunger Games,' a mirror of America's inequality
— CA 30729 — Ebola and Inequality
— CA 30728 — Inequality in Mexico Is All About Wages
— CA 30683 — Russell Brand Connects Income Inequality to Ferguson
— CA 30662 — Inequality, Unbelievably, Gets Worse
— CA 30659 — Inequality Distortion is the Most Dangerous Game
— CA 30652 — Child poverty has profound influence on longterm health, conference told
— CA 30610 — Bill Gates on income inequality, plugging a tax loophole, and a history lesson on immigration
— CA 30611 — Capitalists would be crazy to ignore inequality
— CA 30613 — US healthcare data shed new light on inequality
— CA 30614 — Our biggest threat is not the Islamic State but inequality
— CA 30612 — Millionaire Congresswoman Says Income Inequality is America's Biggest Problem
— CA 30598 — US wealth inequality - top 0.1% worth as much as the bottom 90%
— CA 30597 — Is Inequality a Bigger Threat than the Islamic State?
— CA 30595 — Ebola crisis and inequality
— CA 30576 — New study on wealth inequality confirms what you already knew
— CA 30575 — Gender pay inequality is real
— CA 30574 — Even the 1% Thinks Global Inequality Is the World's Most Pressing Problem
— CA 30568 — Poverty, Obesity Go Hand in Hand, State by State, Studies Find
— CA 30566 — A different approach to tackling poverty in NJ
— CA 30561 — Soaring suburban poverty puts children's health at risk
— CA 30545 — How to Distort Income Inequality
— CA 30543 — Ebola and the issue of inequality
— CA 30536 — Global inequality is a rising concern for elites
— CA 30535 — America's War on Drugs Fuels Racial Prejudice
— CA 30534 — The price of poverty
— CA 30470 — Engineers Without Borders teaches about poverty, water scarcity
— CA 30453 — Educators Address Racial Inequality
— CA 30435 — Forcing Poor People To Save Is Not The Answer To Inequality In America
— CA 30434 — Income Inequality Is Good For The Poor
— CA 30433 — If the left cares about inequality then why doesn't it care about family breakdown?
— CA 30404 — Income Inequality Could Be Causing Americans To Take Fewer Vacation Days
— CA 30403 — The close link between economic inequality and political stability
— CA 30419 — Is child poverty inevitable?
— CA 30418 — The Suburbs Are The New Epicenter Of Poverty
— CA 30378 — Concerned About Growing Family Inequality?
— CA 30391 — Social Safety Net Vital for Health of California Children in Poverty
— CA 30350 — Obamacare isn't just expanding health insurance. It's reducing inequality.
— CA 30327 — For jobs and freedom, 50 years on: the struggle for racial equality in the age of Obama
— CA 30291 — If Wall Street fears inequality, Main Street shrugs
— CA 30290 — One Percent's politics of nothing: Why inequality is absent in these midterms
— CA 30246 — Why income inequality is America's biggest (and most difficult) problem
— CA 30230 — Is Laziness the Cause of Economic Inequality?
— CA 30228 — Shared prosperity: A goal to reduce inequality
— CA 30227 — 8 Facts About American Inequality
— CA 30203 — Take notice, America: Poverty exists here
— CA 30198 — Poverty top threat to child health
— CA 30201 — Business opportunities to alleviate unemployment and poverty
— CA 30199 — Child poverty in the US is at highest point in 20 years
— CA 30179 — More than 48 Million Fall Below US Poverty Line
— CA 30178 — Working for Tips Is a Path to Poverty
— CA 30177 — What If We Had Measured Poverty Differently for the Past 50 Years?
— CA 30172 — How Washington Widens The Inequality Gap Between The Rich And Poor
— CA 30170 — Inequality in Hong Kong
— CA 30158 — Almost one million Canadian kids in poverty
— CA 30138 — Millions live below poverty despite China's economic growth
— CA 30135 — Yellen says inequality in the US is widening
— CA 30100 — Alternative Poverty Rate Declines to 15.5% from 16%
— CA 30101 — Child poverty blues in Mississippi
— CA 30072 — Companies Warn That Income Inequality Is Hurting Their Business
— CA 30058 — Global wealth soars to $263 trillion, as inequality swells
— CA 30057 — Inequality faulted for higher infant mortality in U.S.
— CA 30047 — JANUS forum to focus on inequality
— CA 30046 — Decreeing a way out of poverty
— CA 30026 — Indonesia's middle class faces increasing risk of poverty
— CA 30025 — Argentine middle class struggles as World Bank reports high poverty risks
— CA 30019 — One easy way to fix student loans, income inequality and economic stagnation
— CA 30015 — Poverty leads to higher newborn death rate in the US than in Europe, report shows
— CA 30014 — Latinos have region's highest poverty rate
— CA 29960 — Poverty 'behind child death rates'
— CA 29959 — Lupe Fiasco Talks Being Muslim and Female Inequality
— CA 29968 — IMF foresees poverty at nine percent in 2015
— CA 29957 — Will the Pope's new American archbishop address income inequality?
— CA 29937 — 40 Years Of Income Inequality In America, In Graphs
— CA 29936 — Economic Inequality is Much Worse Than Most Americans Believe
— CA 29935 — Income inequality: America's worst states
— CA 29934 — Why Economic Inequality Is Not a Bigger Political Issue
— CA 29912 — We don't know enough about inequality
— CA 29871 — 7 Reasons Why Philanthropy Hasn't Made Much Dent in US Poverty Rates
— CA 29869 — Fresh focus on old age poverty in Australia
— CA 29836 — Income inequality myths; solution to affordable housing shortage: Opinion roundup
— CA 29839 — Watch a conservative economist try to wish income inequality away
— CA 29837 — Extreme inequality goes unnoticed
— CA 29789 — Inequality is not limited to Ferguson
— CA 29790 — Five Things Christians Should Understand About Inequality
— CA 29780 — Widening inequality intensifies New York City housing crisis
— CA 29779 — PSU students explore gender inequality in India
— CA 29778 — Church youth participate in poverty challenge to support poor, raise awareness
— CA 29730 — Coalition for kids urges bold action on child poverty
— CA 29720 — Why Education Trumps Poverty in "Schools That Work"
— CA 29706 — Student debt pushing some retirees toward poverty
— CA 29693 — As inequality grows, so does the will to fight it
— CA 29685 — World Bank Says Argentina's Poverty Risks Quadrupling
— CA 29658 — Tale of Two Cities:” New York Has Become the Capitol of Inequality
— CA 29657 — Where income inequality has fallen the fastest in America
— CA 29660 — The link between child abuse and income inequality: Research brief
— CA 29605 — Generational Inequality
— CA 29606 — Census: In 2013, inequality continued skyward, earnings stayed flat
— CA 29586 — Income inequality means lower state tax revenues
— CA 29585 — Is rising income inequality inevitable?
— CA 29575 — Sony Pictures Entertainment to promote art education across high-poverty schools in the US
— CA 29573 — What is the true poverty rate?
— CA 29572 — Helping Children in Hidden Rural Poverty
— CA 29557 — Child Poverty Is a Canadian Problem
— CA 29554 — How Business Schools Can Help Reduce Inequality
— CA 29551 — Poverty In America: Living on $7.28 Per Day
— CA 29550 — Beyond the classroom: Poverty impacts achievement
— CA 29549 — The Way to Beat Poverty
— CA 29552 — Homelessness, poverty onscreen at TIFF
— CA 29510 — Latin American families challenged by poverty, violence, social norms
— CA 29508 — Latin American families challenged by poverty, violence
— CA 29507 — What is the True Poverty Rate in America?
— CA 29501 — Poverty major factor in Welsh child deaths, says report
— CA 29500 — Study: Children here less likely to live in poverty
— CA 29486 — Rising inequality seen as world's dominant threat
— CA 29485 — Growing Inequality Problem Will Get Worse, Says HBS Study
— CA 29483 — Business Leaders Worry About Income Inequality And Revolution
— CA 29453 — Michael Schramm: The oppression of poverty
— CA 29463 — US fast-food industry thriving on poverty-stricken workers
— CA 29434 — Call for consensus on child poverty
— CA 29422 — Linking income inequality and violent crime: Data from Mexico's “drug war”
— CA 29428 — How Women Can Break the Cycle of Poverty
— CA 29406 — Nutrition, the environment, and poverty: Let's talk!
— CA 29405 — How to Fight Food-Related Poverty Right Now
— CA 29404 — Income Inequality is Killing America
— CA 29403 — Potential bright spot for education inequality
— CA 29400 — Why globalisation may not reduce inequality in poor countries
— CA 29399 — America's growing food inequality problem
— CA 29372 — Be the Solution to the Problem of Black Inequality
— CA 29380 — Minimum wage boost isn't a ticket out of poverty, but it's a start
— CA 29379 — Millions of Americans Living in Extreme Poverty
— CA 29360 — By ballot or bullet: Will US wealth inequality bring reform or revolution?
— CA 29359 — There can be dignity in the face of poverty
— CA 29313 — Poverty Is Not Inevitable: What We Can Do Now to Turn Things Around
— CA 29312 — Paul Ryan Insists Anti-Poverty Programs Are Not Working in Ferguson
— CA 29281 — How The Legacy Of Slavery Still Promotes Inequality In Parts Of America
— CA 29251 — Why the poverty cycle is harder to break than we like to think — and what can be done about it
— CA 29249 — Over 40 percent of restaurant workers live in near-poverty
— CA 29192 — Ferguson reflects growth of poverty in suburbs
— CA 29179 — An easier solution to wealth inequality?
— CA 29159 — 5 disturbing stats on black-white inequality
— CA 29162 — Rich Hill' humanizes rural poverty in America
— CA 29160 — How “gentrification” in American cities maintains racial inequality and segregation: Research brief
— CA 29126 — An epidemic aided by poverty
— CA 29129 — America's race injustices have roots in refusal to confront inequality
— CA 29147 — The Wealthy and Powerful Discover Inequality
— CA 29149 — American inequality explained with LEGO
— CA 29148 — What the Cost of Raising a Child in America Tells Us About Income Inequality
— CA 29102 — America's social issues 'root from poverty'
— CA 29082 — Greens announce 40% tax rate to combat child poverty
— CA 29061 — How Income Inequality Sabotages the Economy
— CA 29039 — Credit scores drive America's growing inequality
— CA 29003 — 4 times technology did not help people in poverty
— CA 29002 — How will Washington respond to Paul Ryan's poverty plan?
— CA 28974 — Wage Gap Widens From Recession As Income Inequality Grows
— CA 28950 — Tackling the culture of poverty
— CA 28941 — 10 Business Leaders Who Just Say No to Economic Inequality
— CA 28927 — This is how inequality hurts the US economy
— CA 28926 — Can't Talk Inequality Without Knowing Your Wealth: Opening Line
— CA 28925 — And Inequality for All
— CA 28916 — How rural poverty is changing: your fate is increasingly tied to your town
— CA 28893 — Help stop poverty by stopping amnesty plan
— CA 28797 — The Virus Of Poverty Culture
— CA 28796 — The Rise of Suburban Poverty in America
— CA 28794 — Want A Real Anti-Poverty Plan? Stop Amnesty!
— CA 28728 — Medicalizing Poverty
— CA 28727 — Attack causes of poverty, not the impoverished themselves
— CA 28729 — Paul Ryan: Obama's Approach to Poverty Perpetuates the Problem
— CA 28721 — A World View of Inequality
— CA 28696 — Inequality crisis shot with factual problems, hypocrisy
— CA 28679 — America's First World Inequality Problem
— CA 28678 — Poll shows Americans' views on poverty
— CA 28676 — 25 years of counting kids: Income, race and inequality
— CA 28675 — A guaranteed income for every American would eliminate poverty — and it wouldn't destroy the ...
— CA 28674 — Nearly one quarter of US children in poverty
— CA 28629 — Child Health and Education Improve in Kentucky, but Poverty Prevails
— CA 28604 — Higher Education and Rising Inequality
— CA 28585 — Fight poverty by creating climate for success
— CA 28586 — To stem the child migrant crisis, first stop poverty and violence
— CA 28581 — America's Poverty, do something about it
— CA 28559 — Poverty still a major issue
— CA 28557 — Central American Children Fleeing Gangs and Poverty Touch Off Debate
— CA 28556 — Poverty is colorblind" in American cities
— CA 28553 — Child immigrants flee violence and poverty in Central America
— CA 28518 — Bill Gross: Economic inequality threatens capitalism
— CA 28476 — John Oliver Breaks Down America's Income Inequality Problem
— CA 28475 — Economic inequality is avoidable
— CA 28474 — Lincoln, and Government's Role in Reducing Poverty
— CA 28473 — Young Latin Americans Face Spiral of Unemployment, Poverty
— CA 28455 — When Teachers Romanticize Their Students' Poverty
— CA 28457 — Violence, dire poverty compel children to flee Central America
— CA 28444 — Could Direct Payments Break the Cycle of Poverty?
— CA 28417 — Crime and Poverty Drive Honduran Kids to US
— CA 28418 — Number of people living in “poverty areas” up, Census Bureau reports
— CA 28402 — Mental illness, poverty in Minnesota, guns, school suspensions, high ...
— CA 28377 — Hillary Clinton Likely to Rally Around Income Inequality in 2016
— CA 28376 — Minimum wage increase still leaves many in poverty
— CA 28375 — The Cost of Serving...Clinton Poverty
— CA 28353 — Harbor Point Project: more jobs, more income inequality
— CA 28352 — Why this inequality is not inevitable
— CA 28313 — Gender Inequality a Cross-Cultural Problem: Facebook COO
— CA 28309 — Gender inequality a cross-culture problem'
— CA 28292 — The South is America's poverty belt, and Republicans want to make all of America more like the ...
— CA 28265 — Poverty, violence drive Central American exodus to US
— CA 28266 — The Poverty of Hillary Clinton
— CA 28267 — Children fleeing violence and poverty
— CA 28229 — Why has America chosen inequality-enhancing policies?
— CA 28228 — Is economic inequality making people shorter?
— CA 28125 — Mayors Led by De Blasio Create Inequality Task Force
— CA 28124 — Titans of industry get it that income inequality is a threat to their ...
— CA 28123 — $100 Mil Hillary: Republicans Hate Me Because I'm Opposed to Income Inequality
— CA 28122 — How Inequality Shapes the American Family
— CA 28085 — The big emotional, financial costs of childhood poverty
— CA 28080 — Robert Reich: Even business leaders realize income inequality is crippling the economy
— CA 28066 — Worried About Growing Inequality? It's Time to Attack Wage Stagnation and Discrimination
— CA 28052 — The Three Biggest Right-Wing Lies About Poverty
— CA 28065 — Clinton downplays income inequality
— CA 28053 — Interplay between poverty, health is complex
— CA 28022 — Big Ideas: On superheroes, inequality and Hollywood
— CA 27992 — Income inequality drives who gets elected
— CA 27991 — Fighting for the right to end inequality
— CA 27983 — Three myths about poverty debunked
— CA 27953 — American bishops focus on relationship between poverty and stable families
— CA 27927 — CWA'S Cohen ties fight vs. income inequality to fight for democracy
— CA 27926 — Why the Racial Wealth Gap Could Spell Doom For America's Superpower Status
— CA 27925 — The American dream is officially dead, thanks to income inequality
— CA 27808 — US poverty still high despite economic growth
— CA 27806 — How to Fight Economic Inequality—Right Now
— CA 27807 — More Than One in Five Children Remain in Poverty
— CA 27803 — USDA says poverty increasing in rural America
— CA 27802 — War on Poverty" Launched 50 Years Ago, Still an Issue in Syracuse
— CA 27801 — Baker: Reversing the tide of poverty
— CA 27800 — The American nightmare? Bridging economic inequality in the US
— CA 27785 — Rich Getting Richer as the Poor Crawl Slowly Out of Poverty
— CA 27784 — Morgan Freeman: Race, Poverty No Barriers to Success
— CA 27783 — Child migrants driven by violence, poverty
— CA 27753 — Why It Matters That Politicians Have No Experience of Poverty
— CA 27736 — Pay inequality still a problem
— CA 27722 — Social inequality and its effect on democracy
— CA 27721 — Minimum wage a poor weapon against poverty
— CA 27695 — Children's health harmed by rising poverty
— CA 27664 — War on Poverty turned into a war on the poor
— CA 27663 — Blessed Poverty, Give Me More!
— CA 27599 — Federal tax code adds to income inequality
— CA 27585 — Little known fact: Global poverty on the decline
— CA 27584 — Episcopal Deacon Walking To End Poverty Across America
— CA 27581 — The Great Society At 50; Yes, It Has Abolished Poverty
— CA 27577 — San Jose: Police report details how mental illness, racial animus fueled attack on little girl at Walmart
— CA 27467 — America spends mightily on prison poverty trap
— CA 27450 — SED Commissioner King: Segregation and Inequality Persist in NY...
— CA 27447 — Inequality Myths
— CA 27448 — When the GOP awkwardly discovers economic inequality
— CA 27449 — Pew: 'Internet of Things' big by 2025 despite security, inequality worries
— CA 27372 — Hollywood producer challenges Christians to do more to fight poverty
— CA 27344 — Uncovering the real cause of poverty
— CA 27337 — Beyond Economic Inequality: Worry About Inequality of Sacrifice
— CA 27336 — Pop culture sheds different view on income inequality debate
— CA 27335 — Inequality in the Housing Market
— CA 27334 — American inequality isn't about education or opportunity — it's about oligarchs!
— CA 27295 — The 4 biggest right-wing lies about income inequality
— CA 27272 — Social safety net needed in Nigeria as poverty remains rife
— CA 27243 — Poverty threatens long-term health of children
— CA 27231 — Why the inequality debate must consider race
— CA 27201 — Inequality mars China's rise to biggest economy
— CA 27200 — How much credit should the Occupy movement get for income inequality focus?
— CA 27199 — Inequality for All?
— CA 27197 — Race drives inequality
— CA 27195 — Response to Racism is Encouraging but Economic Inequality is Bigger Issue
— CA 27185 — Sick children need leadership on poverty
— CA 27171 — Inequality in America: A Tale of Two Stories
— CA 27170 — Why the Richest Americans Don't Care about Income Inequality
— CA 27169 — Latin America, Where Income Inequality Meets Middle Class Growth
— CA 27167 — Mahathir disagrees with Obama's inequality remark
— CA 27097 — Inequality and the 1 Percent Rule
— CA 27096 — The only solution to America's income inequality problem
— CA 27078 — 3 Ideas to Solve the Inequality Crisis in America
— CA 27072 — Don't blame the rich for inequality
— CA 27036 — Private firms stimulate US economy while fighting global poverty
— CA 27018 — Rising inequality? Don't blame the rich
— CA 27017 — Why poverty across the world should matter to Americans
— CA 27016 — Capitalism creates poverty
— CA 27015 — How inequality and not poverty seems to threaten our social fabric
— CA 26982 — Democracy Won't Cure Rising Inequality
— CA 26911 — A Bipartisan Consensus on Income Inequality?
— CA 26864 — Inequality Matter: Inequality Matters Report of the World Social Situation 2013
— CA 26863 — Seinfeld, His Show, and Inequality
— CA 26865 — Christine Lagarde : IMF will address Inequality in the World
— CA 26846 — Inequality grows as world's rich get much richer
— CA 26845 — Inequality Matters Report of the World Social Situation 2013
— CA 26844 — We must heal the wounds of inequality
— CA 26843 — Women's pay inequality a false issue
— CA 26847 — Projects, poverty no match for potential
— CA 26804 — The Growing Inequality In How America Saves For College
— CA 26780 — Achievement Gap Grows Between Poverty Schools In Montgomery
— CA 26763 — LA has become a poverty factory
— CA 26739 — Income Inequality a Growing Problem in America
— CA 26737 — Why Asset Building in the Age of Inequality Didn't Go So Well
— CA 26730 — White America Is Oblivious to the Truth About Black Poverty
— CA 26710 — 5 reasons to fight inequality: Pick one
— CA 26712 — Racial inequality in schools
— CA 26689 — State of Black America: Growing Income Inequality
— CA 26688 — Why Inequality Matters and What Can Be Done About It
— CA 26687 — The Cure for Poverty in Two Words
— CA 26661 — MLK's Last Crusade Was the Poor People's Campaign Against Poverty
— CA 26660 — Reducing Poverty by Closing South Asia's Infrastructure Gap
— CA 26659 — After poverty tour, Ryan proposes cutting food stamps
— CA 26643 — Income inequality: more than a social issue
— CA 26642 — Reform Rabbis Highlight Healthcare Inequality & Immigration Injustice at Annual Convention
— CA 26609 — Solving America's Inequality Puzzle
— CA 26610 — What Bait Car Can Teach Us About American Inequality
— CA 26577 — Obama, here's a better approach to inequality
— CA 26575 — Inequality in greater Seattle: Tracking the possibly healthy differences among us
— CA 26573 — Fixing one driver of inequality may hit close to home for some progressives
— CA 26572 — Degrees of Inequality'
— CA 26571 — The big myth about income inequality that just won't die
— CA 26570 — The poverty of inequality-speak
— CA 26529 — A Sociologist on Inequality
— CA 26499 — I hope UK conference speakers offer solutions to our inequality woes
— CA 26497 — Right Wing Billionaires Tell People Forget Income Inequality Worship Us Instead
— CA 26494 — Thomas Piketty's new book demonstrates why inequality is inevitable under current policies
— CA 26465 — Family farms may curb hunger, poverty
— CA 26456 — Where Inequality Is Worst In The United States
— CA 26454 — Inequality in schools: Are more government grants the answer?
— CA 26455 — Income inequality isn't about the rich — it's about the rest of us
— CA 26446 — America's income inequality problem, in one depressing chart
— CA 26445 — Poll: Is income inequality or too much government America's greater problem?
— CA 26415 — What America can learn from Europe about income inequality
— CA 26414 — 10 numbers that explain why income inequality is a hot topic
— CA 26402 — PUC professor to discuss the 'Inequality in Modern America'
— CA 26150 — Will Economic Inequality Undermine LGBT Equality?
— CA 26138 — In 8 WNC counties, child poverty reaching more than 30 percent
— CA 26088 — Incredible rise from poverty of New York Ballet Theatre's second-ever black soloist
— CA 25922 — New initiative helps women avoid poverty
— CA 25911 — Kids, Poverty and Mental Health: Anxiety a growing problem
— CA 25862 — Kids, Poverty and Mental Health: Hamilton fights back
— CA 25780 — Americans Dip In and Out of Poverty
— CA 25781 — Dependency, not poverty
— CA 25724 — Equal Opportunity Won't Reduce Poverty
— CA 25723 — The link between illiteracy, poverty and crime
— CA 25720 — Poverty moves to the suburbs
— CA 25629 — Racial discrimination in teen years could mean health problems later
— CA 25601 — What If the Interracial Family in the Cheerios Ad Consisted of Two ...
— CA 25391 — It's Time to End Child Poverty in Rich America With Urgency and ...
— CA 25269 — Children in Poverty
— CA 25113 — Study: More needed to protect children from poverty, abuse, obesity
— CA 25059 — Poverty Impacts Early Child Brain Development

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Poverty is a real issue