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Lower wages for whites, higher wages for immigrants, and inequality for all

Lower wages for whites, higher wages for immigrants, and inequality for all  - Earlier today, the Census Bureau released data showing that 2014 was much like 2013 and the years prior: meh for the majority of Americans .

Inequality for All?

Inequality for All?  -  Inequality in America is staggering. Everyone knows that, but somehow, it seems easy to ignore. We create rationales for why we are not making as ...

And Inequality for All

And Inequality for All  - Ronald Reagan's trickle-down economics promised us that America would prosper by giving tax breaks to businesses and the upper class. But ask the ...

Oscar Speeches Spotlight Income Inequality, Immigration And Incarceration

Oscar Speeches Spotlight Income Inequality , Immigration And Incarceration  - It's time for all the women in America , and all the men that love women and all the gay people and all the people of color that we've all fought for to ...

Robert Reich: Even business leaders realize income inequality is crippling the economy

Robert Reich: Even business leaders realize income inequality is crippling the economy  - Yet the economy would be even worse if America secedes into isolationism. Lloyd Blankfein, CEO ... His new movie " Inequality for All" is in Theaters.

New Survey Shows Bernie is Right: Young Americans Want to Reverse Runaway Inequality

New Survey Shows Bernie is Right: Young Americans Want to Reverse Runaway Inequality - A new survey conducted by the Educational Network shows that younger Americans (ages 18-40) overwhelmingly support bold proposals to reverse inequality―- Sanders-type policies such as Medicare for all, free higher education, ending mass incarceration, wealth taxes on multi-millionaires, financial speculation taxes on Wall Street, public banks, immigrants rights, worker rights, a guaranteed job at a living wage, campaign finance reform, and a sustainable environment. Meanwhile, the Trump administration is accelerating inequality. The billionaire appointees, the Goldman Sachs economic advisors, the hollow healthcare and tax proposals all are designed to move more money into the hands of the few.

Wage Gap Widens From Recession As Income Inequality Grows

Wage Gap Widens From Recession As Income Inequality Grows  - The inequality crisis facing our cities is a threat to our fundamental American values. Reducing income inequality and ensuring opportunity for all is ...

Liberty and justice for all?

Liberty and justice for all? - The increasing number of NFL football players protesting racial inequality ... to empathize with minorities who see a different America than do others.

How We Can Make the Economy Work for All Stakeholders

How We Can Make the Economy Work for All Stakeholders - A distinctive blend of British and American culture. ... manner could make a major contribution to reducing inequality and moving us forward and closer ...

Nike's ad campaign is about justice for all

Nike's ad campaign is about justice for all - Colin Kaepernick took a stand against racial inequality in 2016 when he ... veteran Nate Boyer before kneeling to protest America's racial inequities .

Creating equal opportunities for all people

... inequality gap is wider than ever. Stellenbosch University has been looking at how to create equal opportunities for all South Africans.  View article...

Private Money for Public Education

Private Money for Public Education For all the contention brought about by the OWS protests, most observers and commenters agree that the movement's one success has been to shift the national conversation—inasmuch as there is one—to words like “ poverty ” and “inequality. ...

The stock market is not the economy

Because of a disconnect in the American economy that began way before the ... America's CEOs and billionaires are happy as ever, because more and ... and co-creator of the award-winning documentary, "Inequality For All." He's ... View article...

The yuge Republican lie about the deficit

The yuge Republican lie about the deficit - The biggest reason America has the highest deficit relative to our total .... and co-creator of the award-winning documentary, " Inequality For All." He's ...

Six months into Biden's presidency

Joe Biden has a good chance of getting America back to where it was ... and co-creator of the award-winning documentary, "Inequality For All." He's ... View article...

Why all Americans should stand for the national anthem

Why all Americans should stand for the national anthem - Why all Americans should stand for the national anthem ... asked me: “When did standing up against injustice and inequality become so un- American ?

5 ways Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. changed America

5 ways Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. changed America - Late in life, King focused on economic inequality for all Americans , and that's a problem that's clearly gotten worse since his death. We're still easily divided against each other in fear, and inexcusable violence is excused by those in power on a regular basis. Still, there's reason to hope: Progress ...

A new Works Progress Administration could create 'learning pods' for all schoolchildren

... for some but not all of America's children will increase racial inequality. ... Solving a problem like this one, with roots in systemic racial inequality, ... View article...

Eliminating inequality and disparity has to be a priority for all of us'

There's no place for discrimination and inequality in health and social care but some health professionals do experience discrimination and ... View article...

Two-parent homes aren't the key for all

But the reality of family life in America looks very different from that: Half of all ... research, and policy alternatives for alleviating poverty in America. ... some interesting and potentially viable proposals to reduce inequality in America. View article...