

Commonwealth leaders faced protest at Westminster Abbey over anti-LGBTQ+ laws

Leaders from 29 Commonwealth countries that criminalise LGBTQ+ people were met with boos and jeers on Commonwealth Day. View article...

LGBTQ groups call on Democrats to 'do more' to protect their rights

LGBTQ rights groups are asking the Democratic Party to “do more” to protect the rights of gay and transgender Americans in the face of threats ... View article...

Supreme Court to Decide Whether States Can Ban Anti-LGBTQ Conversion Therapy on Kids

... LGBTQ kids straight and cisgender. The court's decision to hear the case next fall is a major victory for practitioners of “conversion therapy,” a ... View article...

Ian McKellen encourages LGBTQ+ actors to come out: 'Being in the closet is silly'

“Listen to your gay friends who know better. Come out. Get into the sunshine.” McKellen then reminisced about his time filming the 1970 adaptation of ... View article...

'Hate Has No Place in Alabama': Amid Selma 60th Anniversary Commemorations, Mayors ...

“Antisemitism and racism are real, and each must be confronted without qualifications or double standards. And mayors have unique contributions to ... View article...

Safeguarding reviews silent on Black, Asian and Mixed Heritage children

“The Panel recognises the important work being undertaken in some safeguarding partnerships to address race and racism and to develop anti- racist  ... View article...

Who's Afraid of Bankruptcy

... inequality engendered by historical and ongoing racism and sexism in American consumer markets. In other words, debts related to issues that ... View article...

Police probe racist abuse and violence after football match leaves player unconscious

The social media post concluded with a strong message against racism and violence in sport: “Violence and racism have no place on the pitch.” No ... View article...

Iowa has become the state of hate

To the Republican politicians pushing every bill imaginable that essentially goes against anything LGBTQ , we get it. You're scared and you're not ... View article...

International Women's Day rally at West Virginia Capitol

About 300 people turned out for speakers in support of women's productive rights, protection of LGBTQ people and DEI initiatives and other progressive ... View article...

Two school districts, parents sue to dismantle Pennsylvania's LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections

Pennsylvania's relationship with LGBTQ affirming legislation has been awkward at best. Most importantly, the PA General Assembly has never managed ... View article...

Ann Arbor's aging LGBTQ+ population grapples with uncertainty

Older members of Ann Arbor's LGBTQ+ community have limited places to connect, and some are coming together to share their concerns about the ... View article...

Is wealth inequality leading to a class war?

But that's income inequality , which just looks at the distribution of people's wages. What's more extreme is the gap in wealth between rich and poor ... View article...

Debunking white victimhood narrative in South Africa

Despite significant inequality in land ownership, the government has yet to implement a robust programme of land redistribution. Current efforts ... View article...

Gender inequality persists in workplaces despite growing public awareness

Despite growing public awareness, women's rights are still at risk amidst workplace inequalities , as highlighted by recent research released for ... View article...

How businesses can reduce risk and grow their bottom line through ...

Every March, International Women's Day launches a new campaign to raise awareness of gender inequality . There's a rush of support from employers ... View article...

Men called on to join team raising awareness of gender-based violence through sport

87 per cent of people in Ireland believe men have an important role to play in combatting gender-based inequality and violence. View article...

Wealth inequality is the problem - but how do we fix it?

Wealth inequality is the problem - but how do we fix it? The answer is very easy but our politicians don't like it. View article...

The Moral Case for Minimum Wages

Amid rising income inequality and declining union membership in many liberal democracies, minimum wages have become an important tool for regulating ... View article...

Why South Africa needs a wealth tax: challenging economic inequality

... , as political divisions reveal the deep-rooted interests of the elite and the need for a united left-wing response to economic inequality . View article...