
Showing posts matching the search for Racial Inequality


White people assume niceness is the answer to racial inequality. It's not

White people assume niceness is the answer to racial inequality . It's not - While most of us see ourselves as 'not racist', we continue to reproduce ... racial inequality persists, and institutions continue to be overwhelmingly ...While most of us see ourselves as 'not racist', we continue to reproduce ... racial inequality persists, and institutions continue to be overwhelmingly ...

How Ignoring The Racial Wealth Divide Leads To A Misunderstanding Of Racial Inequality

How Ignoring The Racial Wealth Divide Leads To A Misunderstanding Of Racial Inequality - I also think a review and an incorporation of Mariko Chang's work on women and the racial wealth divide would change the narrative that racial economic inequality was primarily a black male thing. In fact, African American men and women are remarkably equitable in terms of income and wealth, as are ...

History of racial inequality still haunts us, public interest lawyer says

History of racial inequality still haunts us , public interest lawyer says - We have a tragic history of racial inequality in America that we haven't done a very good job of confronting or acknowledging and it continues to haunt ...

Black in Brazil: Affirmative action policies aim to reduce racial inequality

Black in Brazil: Affirmative action policies aim to reduce racial inequality - Black in Brazil: Affirmative action policies aim to reduce racial inequality .... in 1888, Brazil was the last country in the Americas to abolish slavery.

America still has a huge racial inequality problem

America still has a huge racial inequality problem - On this election day in the United States, Americans are still not facing up to a critical and volatile issue: racial inequality and its resulting social ...

Black Families Believe Racial Inequality Growing in US Schools

Black Families Believe Racial Inequality Growing in US Schools - Black families overwhelmingly believe that their schools are underfunded, and that racial inequality is growing, according to a poll conducted by The ...

Racial Inequality Is Hollowing Out America's Middle Class

Racial Inequality Is Hollowing Out America's Middle Class - Growing racial wealth inequality is bringing down median American middle class wealth, and with it shrinking the middle class — especially as ...

How “gentrification” in American cities maintains racial inequality and segregation: Research brief

How “gentrification” in American cities maintains racial inequality and segregation: Research brief  - Yet research tells us that American cities continue to exhibit high levels of neighborhood inequality and poverty, especially for racial minorities.

To Fight Racial Inequality We Need To Rethink Our Economy

To Fight Racial Inequality We Need To Rethink Our Economy -  Even in the wake of the 2008 crash, which decimated black wealth, inequality within black communities is higher than it has ever been and is higher than it is within white communities. Focusing primarily on the racial gap can cause us to lose sight of the ways that black communities themselves are now ...

Study reveals racial inequality in Mexico, disproving its 'race-blind' rhetoric

Study reveals racial inequality in Mexico, disproving its 'race-blind' rhetoric - For centuries, the United States has been engaged in a thorny, stop-and-go conversation about race and inequality in American society. And from Black Lives Matter demonstrations to NFL players protesting police violence, public discussions on racism continue in full force ...

Rich parents are perpetuating racial inequality

Rich parents are perpetuating racial inequality   - He is also a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine, and Chairman of the citizen's group Common Cause. His new movie " Inequality for ...

Black Women's Equal Pay Day provides reflections on gender and racial inequality

Black Women's Equal Pay Day provides reflections on gender and racial inequality - One of the great contradictions of America is that inequality is still rampant—despite the widespread belief that hard work can overcome any barrier.

Racial Inequality In America: Getting To The Root Of The Issue.

Racial Inequality In America : Getting To The Root Of The Issue. - But, inequality didn't end overnight. Far from it, as police killings of young black men made the headlines. Not to mention that African- American mass ...

It has to stop': Hall of Fame inductees' speeches address racial inequality

It has to stop': Hall of Fame inductees' speeches address racial inequality - against racial injustice last season, members of this year's Hall of Fame class used their induction ceremony to address the racial divide in America .

Greater homeownership isn't the answer to ending wealth inequality

Greater homeownership isn't the answer to ending wealth inequality - Whichever way you look at it, the wealth inequality gap between black and white Americans is staggering. It's far worse than income inequality , and one of the reasons why racial inequality hasn't improved in the US over the past 50 years, and in some ways has gotten even worse. In the US , the average ...

Practical solutions to combat racial disparities within veterinary medicine

... a “color-blind” ideology, in which privileged individuals deny or minimize the degree of racial inequality or explain contemporary racial inequality as ... View article...

Exploring What Maintains the Racial Inequality Status Quo

Williams, PhD, uses racial stratification and critical race theory as a framework to understand persistent racial inequality . “We should understand ... View article...

Racial inequality 'hard-wired into housing system' as UK rent soars

Racial inequality is “hard-wired into our housing system”, a charity CEO has warned as new research revealed black and minority ethnic (BAME) ... View article...

Racial inequality over long US prison sentences growing, report finds

Racial inequality over long US prison sentences growing, report finds. Black Americans increasingly more likely to receive long prison sentences ... View article...

Brazil Now Celebrates Black Lives Matter Day To Fight Racial Inequality

Brazil Now Celebrates Black Lives Matter Day To Fight Racial Inequality - Nonetheless, the respondent's skin color was a strong determinant of reporting class as well as race and gender discrimination ,” researchers Mathew Layton and Amy Erica Smith wrote in the journal Latin America Politics and Society earlier this year. “Race is more strongly associated with perceived ...