
Showing posts matching the search for Losing the war on poverty


Losing the war on poverty

Losing the war on poverty  - Using the Democrats' own calendar, America's war on poverty has now gone on longer than every other war in which America has been involved ...

We're losing the war on poverty

We're losing the war on poverty : The poverty line for a family of four is $22350 in annual income; for a single person, it is $10890. Children in a family that makes less than 185 percent of the poverty -line numbers cited above qualify for the free or reduced-price school lunches. Ireland | United Kingdom | America | Las Américas | Stigmabase | Egaylity

Eight Reasons America is Losing the War on Poverty

Eight Reasons America is Losing the War on Poverty : " Despite spending hundreds of billions of dollars over the past few decades, more Americans live in poverty today than at any time in American history. Never in the history of the United States have so many Americans struggled to make ends meet. ... Technorati "

America Losing the War on Poverty

America Losing the War on Poverty : ""43% of Hispanic women who live alone, and 34% of black women who live alone, live in poverty ."

Why Can't the America that Creates "This American Life" Also Integrate Our Schools?

Why Can't the America that Creates "This American Life" Also Integrate Our Schools?  - Paul Tough, formally of the New York Times Magazine , wrote that school reform was the result of "liberal post-traumatic shock" from supposedly losing the War on Poverty. Believing that it was too hard to fight poverty, trauma, segregation and the other causes of education underperformance, reformers sought a test-driven