

LGBTQ+ youth in Missouri and Kansas face higher suicide risk

Missouri and Kansas youth who identify as LGBTQ are more likely to struggle with mental health according to a new survey. View article...

NPS takes down web pages dedicated to transgender activists

This is part of an ongoing move by the federal government to remove and alter National Park Service webpages related to LGBTQ history. View article...

Buttigieg says he's worried about same-sex marriage being overturned by Supreme Court

The comments from Buttigieg, who is openly gay and married to another man, come as the LGBTQ community, especially transgender people, face increased ... View article...

LGBTQ student group sues Texas A&M over campus drag show ban

The lawsuit comes after the Board of Regents banned drag shows from the school's 11 public campuses. View article...

Addressing hate crimes in Canada

The Globe and Mail hosted a webcast on February 28 to bring leaders from community groups, hate crime units and anti- racism organizations together to ... View article...

Discrimination, racism and unfair treatment remain a problem in sport

In 2023, one-quarter (25%) of Canadians felt that racism and discrimination were problems in community sports in Canada. ... racism or discrimination in ... View article...

Discrimination remains rampant in women's soccer

White individuals can face bias, but racism requires systemic oppression. Kerr's comment was offensive, but calling it racist misconstrues the term. View article...

We should all be angrier at the normalization of racism against South Asians

As a diasporic South Asian, I am exhausted and frankly angry with the casual racism and cultural appropriation that my people face on a daily basis. View article...

'Friends' Actor Recalls Racist Incident While Filming Sitcom

Friends actor Stephen Park is looking back at a racist incident he experienced while filming the hit sitcom in the 1990s. View article...

Belgian football kicks off its annual fight against racism, discrimination, exclusion

Belgium's football world kicks off its annual campaign to encourage players, coaches and supporters to fight racism , discrimination, ... View article...

'Life after Uganda was baked beans and racism

Berkshire women recount memories of fleeing Uganda in the 1970s, including baked beans, cold weather and racism . View article...

New study reveals limitations in quantitative research on structural racism and provides solutions

The study of structural racism —the laws, policies, practices and norms that create unequal access to resources and opportunities, particularly in ... View article...